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Contact Tina Keys

Complete the form below to contact King County Housing Authority board member Tina Keys. You do not have to provide any information about yourself to send a message, but you must list your name and email address if you want a reply.

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Please note that communications made through this system shall in no way be deemed as legal notice to the King County Housing Authority regarding any existing or potential claim or cause of action against KCHA, nor shall they trigger a response from KCHA as outlined by the Public Disclosure Request Act, RCW 42.56.

Main Office
600 Andover Park W.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Tel: (206) 574‑1100
Fax: (206) 574‑1104
TDD: (800) 833‑6388

Section 8 Office
700 Andover Park W.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Tel: (206) 214‑1300
Fax: (206) 243‑5927

Central Applications Center — Subsidized Housing
Tel: (206) 574‑1248
Fax: (206) 574‑1241