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Invitation for Bid: Nike Manor Roof




The King County Housing Authority will accept Bids from Qualified General Contractors to furnish labor, materials and necessary equipment to complete removal and replacement of eleven roofs as listed in the bid documents.

Scope of Work

Work will include the removal and disposal of the existing asphalt roofing system, metal ridge vent, wood framed chimney, metal soffits, gutters, and downspouts. The existing bath and range venting that is piped through the soffit overhangs will be relocated and hard-piped directly through the roof sheathing. This work will be performed from the exterior by removing necessary roof sheathing to relocate and hard pipe these vents. The existing furnace piping inside the existing chimney will need to be extended and piped through with a new B-Vent. The roof overhang and cantilevered beams at the carport roof will each be cut back to an 18”overhang in order to remove the existing rot from the beams. Contractor will repair areas of rot as needed. New 2x6 PT sub fascia and barge board will be installed and blocked accordingly. All existing barge and fascia boards will be removed and replaced with 5/4 x8” Hardi. The new roof assembly will be mechanically-fastened, TP membrane and cover board over the existing sheathing. Contractor to budget five sheets of ½” plywood per roof for any unforeseen repairs.

Project Manual Distribution Packet

Date of issue: 04/12/2023. Bid specifications and drawings are attached.

Pre-Bid Meeting

04/19/2023 at 11:00 a.m.
Nike Manor
23960 35th Place S., Kent, WA 98032


Contact Person

Amy Kurtz
Project Manager

Question deadline: 04/26/2023 at 02:00 p.m.

Submission Deadline

05/03/2023 at 01:00 p.m.

Documents (PDF Format)

Nike Manor Roof Bid Specifications
Posted: 04/12/2023 Nike Manor Roof Bid Drawings
Posted: 04/12/2023
Nike Manor Roof Site Meeting Sign-In Sheet
Posted: 04/19/2023
Nike Manor Roof Bid Results
Posted: 05/04/2023

Addenda (PDF Format)

Nike Manor Roof Addendum #1
Posted: 04/19/2023 Nike Manor Roof Addendum #2
Posted: 04/28/2023

Main Office
600 Andover Park W.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Tel: (206) 574‑1100
Fax: (206) 574‑1104
TDD: (800) 833‑6388

Section 8 Office
700 Andover Park W.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Tel: (206) 214‑1300
Fax: (206) 243‑5927

Central Applications Center — Subsidized Housing
Tel: (206) 574‑1248
Fax: (206) 574‑1241