Landlord Portal

KCHA's landlord portal gives you online access to direct-deposit statements related to your Housing Assistance Payments. The portal is administered by KCHA's partner, Tenmast Software, not the housing authority.
Log in to the Portal
Please note: you cannot list a property or request a rent change through the landlord portal. Click the corresponding button below to begin these tasks.
List a Property
Request a Rent Change
Register for Portal Access
If you receive HAP statements from KCHA but have not yet signed up to use the portal, you must first register for access. To complete the sign-up process you will need to use the registration key we mailed to you. If you no longer have this key, contact the Section 8 help desk at (206) 214-1319 or
Forgotten User Name or Password
If you previously accessed the portal but have lost or forgotten your user name or your password, go to the portal's login help page.