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New Subsidized Housing Waiting Lists

KCHA is changing how we manage public housing waiting lists. In February 2025, applicants who are currently on the public housing waiting list will receive a letter instructing them to select or re-select properties.

Applicants must respond by March 31, 2025, at 4:30pm, in order to stay on the waiting list.

Effective April 1, 2025, KCHA will:

  • Eliminate regional waiting lists and only have property lists.
  • Allow you to select as many properties as you like.
  • Allow you to decline one unit offer without good cause. If you decline a second unit offer without good cause, we will remove you from all waiting lists and cancel your application.
  • Allow you to add new properties later. A new application date will apply to the waiting list for any added properties.

See the below FAQ for more information.

Why is KCHA changing its public housing waiting lists?

We are changing the software we use to manage our housing programs. This new software requires that we change our waiting lists. We are removing regional waiting lists, and you can now choose to be on the waiting lists for as many properties as you want. Because the regional waiting lists are being removed, all applicants must choose at least one property.

I want to stay on the waiting list. What do I need to do?

To stay on the public housing waiting list, we need to know which waiting list(s) you want to be on. KCHA will not automatically put you on a waiting a list: it has to be your choice. Even if you were already on property waiting lists, you must select your properties again to stay on the lists for those properties.

I am already on the list for a property. Can I just stay on the same list?

You must let us know your property choices even if they are the same as the properties that you chose before. You can choose all of the same properties, as long as your household size hasn’t changed. But if we don’t hear from you by March 14, 2025, we will cancel your application. We need to know, in writing, either online or with a paper application, which list(s) you want to be on.

Can I pick every property?

Yes, if the properties you choose have units with the number of bedrooms you are qualified for. If you pick properties that don’t have the number of bedrooms you are qualified for, you will not be put on those lists.

Remember that you can only turn down the offer of a unit without good cause one time (see below), so make sure the properties you choose are properties you would like to live in.

What if I already made a waiting list change before? Will I lose my place in line? Can I choose more lists later without losing my place in line?

When you send us your property choices, your current application date will apply to any lists you choose now, regardless of whether you changed your waiting list choices in the past. That means you will keep your current place in line for any properties that you choose now.

With the new waiting list, you may have different application dates on different property lists, reflecting when you chose each. For example, if you applied to Northridge in 2021 and add Lake House in 2026, you’ll have a 2021 application date on the Northridge list and a 2026 date at Lake House.

Because any properties you add later will have newer application dates, you may want to choose as many properties as you are qualified for in the cities where you want to live.

Can I remove a property later if I change my mind?

Yes. You can remove properties from your application at any time. Your place on the list won’t change for the lists you stay on. If you re-add the property later, your application date for that property will be the date you re-added the property.

Will the rules change for turning down a unit when it’s offered to me?

Yes. Under the old system, if you turned down a unit without good cause then your application was canceled, and you were removed from all public housing lists. This changes with the new system.

Now, you can turn down a unit without good cause one time and still stay on the waiting list. If you turn a unit down without good cause a second time, then we’ll remove you from all KCHA public housing lists.

What is a "good cause"?

"Good cause" is what KCHA accepts as a valid reason for turning down an offered unit. We define "good cause" in section 6.L of our Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP):

For purposes of determining whether an applicant’s refusal of an offered apartment will affect the placement on the waiting list, Good Cause includes the following:

  1. Reasons related to health, proximity to work, school and childcare (for those working or going to school); or,
  2. Documented situations where an applicant is temporarily unable to move at the time of the offer (such as major surgery requiring a period of time to recuperate, or serving on a jury.); or,
  3. Refusal (turndown) of a zero-bedroom apartment (alcove unit) by a household that includes more than a single (one) individual.
  4. Refusal by an applicant who has turned down an offered unit in order to continue participating in the transitional housing program from which they have not yet graduated.
  5. Refusal by a mixed family who has turned down an offered unit and who is one of the initially qualified residents involved in the Public Housing to Project-based Section 8 subsidy conversion process for 509 of KCHA’s Public Housing units.

How can I look up the new wait times?

Currently, we display the application date at the top of waiting list for each property to give you an idea of the length of each property’s waiting list.

With the new software, we will be unable to provide the application date at the top of each waiting list. Instead, we will provide the number of applicants on each list. While the subsidized housing program's overall average wait time is more than five years, wait times at each property will vary depending on vacancies.

When will you reopen the list for new applications?

We do not have a reopening date for new applications yet. When we have a reopening date, we will post it on our website and social media.

If you have questions we didn’t answer here, contact us at or 206-574-1248.

Main Office
600 Andover Park W.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Tel: (206) 574‑1100
Fax: (206) 574‑1104
TDD: (800) 833‑6388

Section 8 Office
700 Andover Park W.
Tukwila, WA 98188
Tel: (206) 214‑1300
Fax: (206) 243‑5927

Central Applications Center — Subsidized Housing
Tel: (206) 574‑1248
Fax: (206) 574‑1241