Invitation for Bid: Spiritwood Manor Roof Replacement Bldgs C & D
The King County Housing Authority will accept Bids from Qualified General Contractors to furnish labor, materials and necessary equipment to perform roof replacement as listed in the bid documents.
Scope of Work
This scope of work will include the removal and replacement of the continuous ridge vent, and other associated flashing to allow the installation of the new roofing assembly. The roof work will be performed on building C and building D.
Project Manual Distribution Packet
Date of issue: 01/22/2025.
Bid documents and drawings are attached.
Pre-Bid Meeting
01/29/2025 at 11:00 a.m.
1424 148th Ave SE
Attendance of the Pre-Bid Site Visit is MANDATORY.
Contact Person
Amy Kurtz
Project Manager
Question deadline: 02/05/2025 at 04:30 p.m.
Submission Deadline
02/12/2025 at 01:00 p.m.